Synthetic Accounts serve as the foundation for asset tracking in Newline. They allow for flexible configurations tailored to your program.
- GET List Synthetic Account Types: GET /synthetic_account_types
- GET Get a single Synthetic Account Type: GET /synthetic_account_types/{uid}
- GET List Synthetic Accounts: GET /synthetic_accounts
- POST Create a New Synthetic Account: POST /synthetic_accounts
- GET Get a single Synthetic Account: GET /synthetic_accounts/{uid}
- PUT Update Synthetic Account metadata: PUT /synthetic_accounts/{uid}
- DELETE Archive a Synthetic Account: DELETE /synthetic_accounts/{uid}
Synthetic Accounts are the foundation of your application and the interface between your Customers. They are designed to track any asset type for any Customer at Newline. A single Synthetic Account can be configured to blend assets from multiple core accounts for multiple Customers.
The types and distribution of assets, the number of Customers, and many other rules governing a Synthetic Account's usage can be configured for each Account on a Program-by-Program basis via the Synthetic Account Types.
The list of Synthetic Account Types and their rules for each Program are set up during Program configuration. Each Synthetic Account Type belongs to one of a handful of Synthetic Account Categories that govern their primary purpose and handling by the Newline platform, such as general use or external accounts. You may retrieve the complete list of available types via the GET /synthetic_account_types endpoint.