Cardholder Requirements


Contains all details related to a legal person. A customer identity in relation to Issuing BIN Sponsorship involves the identification and verification of the customer's details to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to facilitate secure transactions.

Data Requirements

1. Data Format

  • Type: Pipe-delimited text
  • Encoding: UTF-8
  • File Extension: .txt

2. File Naming Convention

  • Format: cardholder_data_<YYYYMMDD>.txt
  • Example: cardholder_data_20240910.txt

3. Data Fields

Field NameRequiredDescriptionCharacter LengthTypeExample
CARDHOLDERIDYesUnique ID identifying a cardholder.35CharCUST123456
BUSINESSIDYesRequired for Commercial Cardholders only. Unique ID identifying a business associated with a cardholder.35CharBUS789012
CARDHOLDER_ACCOUNTNOYesAccount number tied to the cardholder.35Char1234567890123450
ACCOUNT_OPEN_DATENoDate when the account was opened. Format: YYYYMMDD8Char20200101
ACCOUNT_CLOSED_DATENoDate when the account was closed. Format: YYYYMMDD8Char20250101
ACCOUNT_STATUSYesStatus of the cardholder's account. Can be open or closed.10CharOpen
ACCOUNT_STATUS_DATEYesDate of the account status. Format: YYYYMMDD8Char20230101
CARDHOLDER_ID_TYPEYesCodes used to identify cardholder identification value.

5 = VISA
CARDHOLDER_ID_NUMBERYesValue used to identify the cardholder.20Char123-45-6789
CARDHOLDER_ID_ISSUE_DATENoDate when the identification was issued. Format: YYYYMMDD8Char20200101
CARDHOLDER_ID_EXPIRATION_DATENoDate when the identification expires. Format: YYYYMMDD8Char20300101
CARDHOLDER_TAX_IDYesTax ID (SSN) is required for U.S. citizens.9Char987654321
CARDHOLDER_ROLEYesRole of the cardholder.20CharPrimary Account Holder
CARDHOLDER_STATUSYesStatus of the cardholder. Can be Active or Inactive.10CharActive
RESIDENCY_STATUSNoOnly required for Primary Account Holders (Customers) and not Authorized Users.3CharUS
CARDHOLDER_FIRST_NAMEYesFirst name of the primary cardholder.50CharJohn
CARDHOLDER_MIDDLE_INITIALNoMiddle initial of the cardholder.1CharA
CARDHOLDER_LAST_NAMEYesLast name of the primary cardholder.50CharDoe
DATE_OF_BIRTHYesDate of birth of the cardholder. Format: YYYYMMDD8Char19800101
ADDRESS_LINE_1YesAddress line 1 (cannot be a PO BOX address).100Char123 Main St
ADDRESS_LINE_2NoAddress line 2.100CharApt 4B
CITYYesCity of the cardholder.50CharNew York
STATENoState of the cardholder (required for US addresses).2CharNY
ZIP_CODENoZIP code of the cardholder (required for US addresses).10Char10001
COUNTRYYesCountry code of the cardholder. Use ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country code standard.2CharUS
PRIMARY_PHONE_NUMBERNoPrimary phone number of the cardholder.15Char1-555-555-5555
EMAIL_ADDRESSNoEmail address of the cardholder.100Char[email protected]

4. Validation Rules

  • CARDHOLDERID: Must be a unique identifier.
  • BUSINESSID: Required for commercial cardholders.
  • CARDHOLDER_ACCOUNTNO: Must be a valid account number.
  • ACCOUNT_OPEN_DATE: Must be in the format YYYYMMDD.
  • ACCOUNT_CLOSED_DATE: Must be in the format YYYYMMDD.
  • ACCOUNT_STATUS: Must be either "open" or "closed".
  • ACCOUNT_STATUS_DATE: Must be in the format YYYYMMDD.
  • CARDHOLDER_ID_TYPE: Must be one of the predefined codes (e.g., 2 for DRIVERLICENSENO).
  • CARDHOLDER_ID_NUMBER: Must be a valid identification number.
  • CARDHOLDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE: Must be in the format YYYYMMDD.
  • CARDHOLDER_TAX_ID: Must be a valid SSN for U.S. citizens.
  • CARDHOLDER_ROLE: Must be one of the predefined roles (e.g., "Primary Account Holder").
  • CARDHOLDER_STATUS: Must be either "Active" or "Inactive".
  • RESIDENCY_STATUS: Must be one of the predefined codes (e.g., US, RA, NA).
  • DATE_OF_BIRTH: Must be in the format YYYYMMDD.
  • COUNTRY: Must use ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country code standard.

Example Pipe-Delimited Text File



Explanation of Example Data

CARDHOLDERID: CUST123456 - Unique ID identifying the cardholder.
BUSINESSID: BUS789012 - Unique ID identifying the business associated with the cardholder.
CARDHOLDER_ACCOUNTNO: 1234567890123450 - Account number tied to the cardholder.
ACCOUNT_OPEN_DATE: 20200101 - Date when the account was opened.
ACCOUNT_CLOSED_DATE: (empty) - No closure date provided.
ACCOUNT_STATUS: Open - Status of the cardholder’s account.
ACCOUNT_STATUS_DATE: 20230101 - Date of the account status.
CARDHOLDER_ID_TYPE: 2 - Code for the type of identification (e.g., Driver’s License).
CARDHOLDER_ID_NUMBER: 123-45-6789 - Identification number of the cardholder.
CARDHOLDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE: 20200101 - Date when the identification was issued.
CARDHOLDER_ID_EXPIRATION_DATE: 20300101 - Date when the identification expires.
CARDHOLDER_TAX_ID: 987654321 - Tax ID (SSN) of the cardholder.
CARDHOLDER_ROLE: Primary Account Holder - Role of the cardholder.
CARDHOLDER_STATUS: Active - Status of the cardholder.
RESIDENCY_STATUS: US - Residency status of the cardholder.
CARDHOLDER_FIRST_NAME: John - First name of the cardholder.
CARDHOLDER_MIDDLE_INITIAL: A - Middle initial of the cardholder.
CARDHOLDER_LAST_NAME: Doe - Last name of the cardholder.
DATE_OF_BIRTH: 19800101 - Date of birth of the cardholder.
ADDRESS_LINE_1: 123 Main St - Address line 1 of the cardholder.
ADDRESS_LINE_2: Apt 4B - Address line 2 of the cardholder.
CITY: New York - City of the cardholder.
STATE: NY - State of the cardholder.
ZIP_CODE: 10001 - ZIP code of the cardholder.
COUNTRY: US - Country code of the cardholder.
PRIMARY_PHONE_NUMBER: 1-555-555-5555 - Primary phone number of the cardholder.
EMAIL_ADDRESS: [email protected] - Email address of the cardholder.

Contact Information