Cardholder Requirements

This section outlines the required fields and data specifications for cardholder information within the Issuing BIN Sponsorship program. The cardholder entity contains all details related to a legal person, which are necessary for identification and verification to ensure regulatory compliance and secure transactions.

Cardholder Fields

Field NameRequiredDescriptionCharacter LengthTypeExample
CARDHOLDER IDYesUnique ID identifying the cardholder.35CharCUST123456
BUSINESS IDYesUnique ID for business cardholders (commercial only).35CharBUS789012
CARDHOLDER ACCOUNT NOYesAccount number tied to the cardholder.35Char1234567890123450
ACCOUNT OPEN DATENoDate when the account was opened (Format: YYYYMMDD).8Char20200101
ACCOUNT CLOSED DATENoDate when the account was closed (Format: YYYYMMDD).8Char20250101
ACCOUNT STATUSYesStatus of the cardholder's account (Open or Closed).10CharOpen
ACCOUNT STATUS DATEYesDate of the account status (Format: YYYYMMDD).8Char20230101
CARDHOLDER ID TYPEYesCode for ID type (e.g., 2for Driver’s License).3Char2
CARDHOLDER ID NUMBERYesCardholder's identification number.20Char123-45-6789
CARDHOLDER_ID ISSUE DATENoDate when the ID was issued (Format: YYYYMMDD).8Char20200101
CARDHOLDER ID EXPIRATION DATENoThe expiration date of the identification (Format: YYYYMMDD).8Char20300101
CARDHOLDER TAX IDYesTax ID (SSN) for U.S. citizens.9Char987654321
CARDHOLDER ROLEYesRole of the cardholder (e.g., Primary Account Holder).20CharPrimary Account Holder
CARDHOLDER STATUSYesStatus of the cardholder (Active or Inactive).10CharActive
RESIDENCY STATUSNoResidency status of the cardholder (e.g., US).3CharUS
CARDHOLDER FIRST NAMEYesFirst name of the cardholder.50CharJohn
CARDHOLDER MIDDLE INITIALNoMiddle initial of the cardholder.1CharA
CARDHOLDER LAST NAMEYesLast name of the cardholder.50CharDoe
DATE OF BIRTHYesDate of birth of the cardholder (Format: YYYYMMDD).8Char19800101
ADDRESS LINE 1YesThe first line of the cardholder's address (No PO BOX).100Char123 Main St
ADDRESS LINE 2NoThe second line of the cardholder's address.100CharApt 4B
CITYYesCity of the cardholder.50CharNew York
STATENoState of the cardholder (Required for US addresses).2CharNY
ZIP CODENoZIP code of the cardholder (Required for US addresses).10Char10001
COUNTRYYesCountry code (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 standard).2CharUS
PRIMARY PHONE NUMBERNoPrimary phone number of the cardholder.15Char1-555-555-5555
EMAIL ADDRESSNoEmail address of the cardholder.100Char[email protected]