Unlocking Card Issuing

Your Journey with Our BIN Sponsorship program.


Imagine this: You're a fintech innovator, bursting with ideas. You've crafted a brilliant app, a seamless platform, a game-changing service... and it's almost perfect. But there's one piece missing - the power to put a card in your users' hands. That's where we step in.

Welcome to the world of BIN Sponsorship!

Think of a BIN (Bank Identification Number) as a unique fingerprint for your card program. It's the first few digits on every card you issue, tying it back to you. With our BIN Sponsorship program, you get that fingerprint, backed by our banking infrastructure, allowing you to issue cards without the complexities of becoming a bank yourself.

Your Card Issuing Story, Simplified:

  1. The Spark: An idea takes shape. You envision a card program perfectly aligned with your product.
  2. The Partnership: You reach out to us. We discuss your vision, assess the fit, and lay out the roadmap.
  3. The Setup: We provide you with the BIN, handle the regulatory heavy lifting, and connect you to the card networks.
  4. The Launch: Your cards are ready! You design them, manage the user experience, and watch your vision come to life.

Behind the Scenes: Transaction Monitoring

We keep things running smoothly, ensuring compliance and security. To do this, we need a bit of help from you. Think of it as sharing the story of your card program:

  • Cardholders: Who are they? What's their story?
  • Cards: What types are they? What can they do?
  • Accounts: How are they linked? What's the activity like?
  • Transactions: The heart of it all. Where, when, how much?
  • Businesses: If applicable, who's involved on the merchant side?
  • Beneficial Owners: Ensuring transparency and compliance.

You'll send us this data regularly via secure SFTP, in individual batch files. We'll weave it into a tapestry of insights, enabling us to detect any unusual activity and keep your program safe.

Ready to Issue Your Cards?

Let's turn your idea into reality. Contact us today to explore how our BIN Sponsorship program can empower your business. Together, we'll craft a card program that perfectly complements your vision. Reach out to our team and let's start building your card program together.



  • We handle the banking complexities, you focus on your users.
  • Data sharing is key for a secure and compliant program.
  • Your vision, our support – let's make it happen!