Posted Transactions

Posted Transactions Guide


This guide provides detailed information about the fields required for posted transaction data in the Issuing BIN Sponsorship program. Each field is described with its requirements, character length, and examples to ensure accurate and compliant data entry.

Posted Transaction Fields

FieldRequiredDescriptionCharacter LengthExample
TRANSACTION IDYesUnique identifier of the card transaction20TXN1234567890
CARD NUMBERYesProvide full 16 digits.16
ACCOUNT NUMBERYesCARDHOLDER account number.351.23456789012345E+19
CARDHOLDERIDYesUnique ID identifying a CARDHOLDER.35CUST123456
TRANSACTION DATE TIME STAMPYesSwiped card payments - this is the time stamp the transaction occurred / card was swiped at the merchant’s location (in the merchant’s local time zone). Web/non-swiped card payments - this is the time stamp the CARDHOLDER made the purchaseDateTimeSwiped card payments - For example if a card was used at 1:00 AM in China time, provide 1:00 AM China time, not 11:00 AM EST. Web/non-swiped card payments - For example a CARDHOLDER located in Cincinnati buys something at 8:00 PM on Amazon, but the merchant was in California and the time was 5:00 PM there. Provide the time of transaction which is 8:00 PM here.
POSTED TRANSACTION DATE TIMESTAMPNoTimeStamp transaction posted to the accountDateTime
TRANSACTION CODEYesCode representing the type of transaction posted to the card including both internal and network related activity. This code is utilized to support funds movement so any transaction that affects the balance of the card.50ATM Withdrawal Fee
TRANSACTION DESCRIPTIONNoDescription of the transaction.100
TRANSACTION AMOUNT SIGNYes“+” if transaction adds to settled balance, “-” if transaction deducts from settled balance, " " if transaction doesn’t affect settled balance.1-
TRANSACTION AMOUNTYesAmount of the transaction that posted to the account.Decimal(10, 2)150.75
AUTHORIZATION CODENoIdentification number assigned to the approved transaction. Blank if declined.15123456
TRANSACTION ORIGINATED CITYNoThe city where the transaction originated.50Chicago
TRANSACTION ORIGINATED COUNTRY CODEYesCountry where the transaction took place. Code representing the country where the merchant’s business is located. Use ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country code standard.2US
TRANSACTION IP ADDRESSNoThe IP Address from which the transaction took place.39
TRANSACTION DEVICE IDNoA unique number related to a mobile phone or device that the transactions took place on.50
MERCHANT TERMINAL NUMBER (TID)YesAn eight-digit alphanumeric code that identifies a point-of-sale (POS) terminal and the transactions that take place on it.8
MERCHANT CATEGORY CODEYesCode representing the merchant's line of business4
MERCHANT NAMEYesName of the merchant accepting the original transaction.100ABC Store
MERCHANT ACCOUNT NUMBERYesNumber identifying the merchant submitting the transaction.35MER1234567890
MERCHANT ADDRESS LINE 1YesMerchant address.35456 Elm St
MERCHANT ADDRESS LINE 2NoAdditional address information.35Suite 300
MERCHANT CITYYesMerchant city.50San Francisco
MERCHANT STATEYesMerchant state.2CA
MERCHANT ZIPCODEYesMerchant ZIP code.1094107
MERCHANT COUNTRY CODEYesCode representing the country where the merchant’s business is located. Use ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country code standard.2US
MERCHANT PRIMARY PHONE NUMBERYesMerchant phone number.151-415-555-1234
Secondary Phone NumberNoAdditional phone number for the merchant.15
Interchange Fee AmountNoAmount of interchange associated with this transaction.Decimal(7, 2)5
Fee amountNo
International Transaction FeeNo

Field Descriptions

  • TRANSACTION ID: A unique identifier for each transaction. This ID must be 20 characters long.
  • CARD NUMBER: The full 16-digit number of the card used in the transaction. This is a mandatory field.
  • ACCOUNT NUMBER: The account number tied to the cardholder. This ID must be 35 characters long.
  • CARDHOLDERID: The unique identifier for the cardholder. This ID must be 35 characters long.
  • TRANSACTION DATE TIME STAMP: The date and time when the transaction occurred. For swiped card payments, this is the time the card was swiped at the merchant’s location. For web/non-swiped card payments, this is the time the cardholder made the purchase.
  • POSTED TRANSACTION DATE TIMESTAMP: The date and time when the transaction was posted to the account. This field is optional.
  • TRANSACTION CODE: A code representing the type of transaction posted to the card, including both internal and network-related activity. This code supports funds movement and affects the balance of the card.
  • TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION: A description of the transaction. This field is optional.
  • TRANSACTION AMOUNT SIGN: Indicates whether the transaction amount adds to (+) or deducts from (-) the settled balance. This is a mandatory field.
  • TRANSACTION AMOUNT: The amount of the transaction that posted to the account. This is a mandatory field and must be represented as a decimal with up to 10 digits and 2 decimal places.
  • AUTHORIZATION CODE: The identification number assigned to the approved transaction. This field is optional and can be left blank if the transaction was declined.
  • TRANSACTION CURRENCY CODE: The currency code for the transaction, using a 3-character code (e.g., USD). This is a mandatory field.
  • TRANSACTION ORIGINATED CITY: The city where the transaction originated. This field is optional.
  • TRANSACTION ORIGINATED COUNTRY CODE: The country where the transaction took place, represented by a 2-character ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code. This is a mandatory field.
  • TRANSACTION IP ADDRESS: The IP address from which the transaction took place. This field is optional.
  • TRANSACTION DEVICE ID: A unique number related to the mobile phone or device used for the transaction. This field is optional.
  • MERCHANT TERMINAL NUMBER (TID): An eight-digit alphanumeric code that identifies the point-of-sale (POS) terminal where the transaction took place. This is a mandatory field.
  • MERCHANT CATEGORY CODE: A code representing the merchant's line of business. This is a mandatory field.
  • MERCHANT NAME: The name of the merchant accepting the original transaction. This is a mandatory field.
  • MERCHANT ACCOUNT NUMBER: The number identifying the merchant submitting the transaction. This is a mandatory field.
  • MERCHANT ADDRESS LINE 1: The primary address of the merchant. This is a mandatory field.
  • MERCHANT ADDRESS LINE 2: Additional address information for the merchant. This field is optional.
  • MERCHANT CITY: The city where