Posted Transactions Requirements


This guide provides detailed information about the fields required for posted transaction data in the Issuing BIN Sponsorship program. Each field is described with its requirements, character length, and examples to ensure accurate and compliant data entry.

Posted Transaction Fields

FieldRequiredDescriptionCharacter LengthExample
TRANSACTION IDYesUnique identifier of the card transaction.20TXN1234567890
CARD NUMBERYesFull 16-digit card number.16
ACCOUNT NUMBERYesCardholder's account number.35123456789012345
CARDHOLDERIDYesUnique identifier for the cardholder holding the card.35CUST123456
TRANSACTION DATE TIME STAMPYesDate and time when the transaction occurred (local to the merchant for swiped payments, or web/non-swiped purchase timestamp).DateTime
POSTED TRANSACTION DATE TIMESTAMPNoDate and time when the transaction was posted to the account.DateTime
TRANSACTION CODEYesCode represents the transaction type posted, including internal and network-related activity.50ATM Withdrawal Fee
TRANSACTION DESCRIPTIONNoDescription of the transaction.100
TRANSACTION AMOUNT SIGNYes"+" if the transaction adds to the balance, "-" if it deducts, or " " if it doesn't affect the balance.1-
TRANSACTION AMOUNTYesThe amount of the transaction posted to the account.Decimal (10, 2)150.75
AUTHORIZATION CODENoThe identification number is assigned to the approved transaction, or it is blank if declined.15123456
TRANSACTION CURRENCY CODEYesCurrency code for the transaction (e.g., USD).3USD
TRANSACTION ORIGINATED CITYNoThe city where the transaction originated.50Chicago
TRANSACTION ORIGINATED COUNTRY CODEYesCountry where the transaction took place (use ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code).2US
TRANSACTION IP ADDRESSNoThe IP address from which the transaction took place.39
TRANSACTION DEVICE IDNoUnique number related to the device or mobile phone from which the transaction occurred.50
MERCHANT TERMINAL NUMBER (TID)YesAn 8-digit alphanumeric code identifying the point-of-sale (POS) terminal where the transaction occurred.8
MERCHANT CATEGORY CODEYesCode representing the merchant's line of business.4
MERCHANT NAMEYesName of the merchant accepting the transaction.100ABC Store
MERCHANT ACCOUNT NUMBERYesNumber identifying the merchant submitting the transaction.35MER1234567890
MERCHANT ADDRESS LINE 1YesThe primary address of the merchant.35456 Elm St
MERCHANT ADDRESS LINE 2NoAdditional address information for the merchant.35Suite 300
MERCHANT CITYYesThe city where the merchant is located.50San Francisco
MERCHANT STATEYesState where the merchant is located (for U.S. merchants).2CA
MERCHANT ZIPCODEYesZIP code of the merchant.1094107
MERCHANT COUNTRY CODEYesCountry code where the merchant is located (use ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code).2US
MERCHANT PRIMARY PHONE NUMBERYesPrimary phone number of the merchant.151-415-555-1234