API Errors

Newline support a number of error responses to help Clients get to the bottom of an issue with API usage. Before digging into the details below, please note a couple key points:

  • An error code provided in the format of a number in the thousands (ex. 1000, 2005, 11001, etc.) are synchronously provided by Newline, and the formatted error message is standard. Please see our noted example in the Error Detail and Resolution guide.
  • An error code provided in a different format (ERR050, R09, etc.) is a failure code. These codes are not provided as an error response to an API request, rather they are provided in a Transaction object with a failed status as they are provided in the event the receiving financial institution or network have rejected the Transaction.

Please be sure to reach out to your Newline Specialist with any questions about the below codes.

General Errors

1000Internal ServerSomething went wrong.
1001Page Not FoundThe route you're looking for does not exist.
1002Unparseable Date FormatCould not parse date. Please try ISO 8601 calendar date in extended format (YYYY-MM-DD).
1003Missing Request ParameterAt least one parameter is missing. Cannot continue with the request.
1004UnauthorizedInvalid or expired authentication.
1005Invalid Limit ValueThe limit parameter value cannot be negative.
1006Invalid Sort PatternThe sort parameter value must match the field_name_order pattern (example: "email_asc").
1007Invalid Method ArgumentAt least one argument is invalid. Cannot continue with the request.
1008Archived CustomerThe Customer is archived. Cannot continue with the request.
1009Archived PoolThe Pool is archived. Cannot continue with the request.
1010Inactive CustomerThe Customer is not active. Cannot continue with the request.
1011Customer Not In Updatable StatusCustomer not in updatable status. Cannot continue with the request.
1012Customer resources not yet createdResources not yet created, please try again in a few seconds
1013Invalid value(s) in filter parameterAt least one provided parameter used for filtering results has an invalid format
1014Invalid ParameterAt least one parameter is missing or invalid. Cannot continue with the request.
1015Malformed request bodyRequest body is not valid JSON
1016External uid is already takenExternal uid must be unique
1017Invalid Offset ValueThe offset parameter value cannot be negative
1018Blank External uidExternal uid must be present

Synthetic Account Errors

2000Unknown Synthetic AccountCould not find Synthetic Account.
2001Cannot archive Synthetic AccountSynthetic Account could not be archived.
2002Synthetic Account already existsSynthetic Account could not be created or updated. Account number taken by Synthetic Account uid.

Note - uid will be replaced with the actual value.
2003Cannot archive master Synthetic AccountThe master Synthetic Account for a Customer cannot be archived.
2004Cannot archive Synthetic Account with balanceA Synthetic Account with a non-zero balance cannot be archived.
2005Cannot archive Synthetic Account with pending TransferA Synthetic Account with a pending Transfer cannot be archived.
2006Cannot archive non-general Synthetic AccountSynthetic Accounts must be of the general type to be
archived. Please contact your Relationship team or the Newline team to archive external Synthetic Accounts.
2007Cannot update Synthetic AccountSynthetic Account could not be updated.
2008Cannot update Synthetic AccountA note is required to update Synthetic Accounts.
2009Could not create Synthetic AccountThe count of this customer's active synthetic accounts in the general synthetic account category has reached the maximum.
2010Could not create Synthetic AccountThis customer already has an active or initiated synthetic account in the external synthetic account category.
2011Failed to retrieve synthetic accountsAn exception occurred while retrieving synthetic accounts.
2013Could not create Synthetic AccountThe unique external account limit for this customer has been reached.
2014Could not create Synthetic AccountAn external account has been created too recently.
2015Could not create Synthetic AccountThis external account has been associated with this customer too many times.
2016Could not create Synthetic AccountThis customer has reached the outbound ACH external account limit
2017Cannot archive Synthetic AccountSynthetic Account must be in 'active' status to archive
2019Synthetic account name is already takenSynthetic account names must be unique to a pool
2020Invalid destination synthetic accountAn active external synthetic account that belongs to the customer must be provided
2021Missing destination synthetic accountThe customer has multiple active external accounts. destination_synthetic_account_uid
must be provided.
2022Locked synthetic accountNo activities regarding this synthetic account are allowed at this time
2023Cannot create Synthetic AccountSynthetic Account could not be created

Transfer Related Errors

This section also includes failure reasons for our different payment rails (Return Reasons for ACH, and Reject Codes for Instant Payments (RTP)). Please refer to the respective Payment Rails guides for additional context.

Generic Transfer Errors

3000Unknown transfer uidCould not find transfer. Invalid uid.
3001Could not initiate transferAn exception occurred while creating transfer.
3002Could not initiate transferRequested transfer amount in US dollars must be numeric.
3003Could not initiate transferRequested transfer amount in US dollars must be greater than 0.
3004Could not initiate transferSource has insufficient funds for transfer.
3005Same source and destination accountsThe source and destination accounts are identical.
3006Could not initiate transferRequested transfer between the chosen accounts is prohibited.
3007Source or Destination Account is discardedTransfers to or from a discarded account are not allowed.
3008Source or Destination Account is lockedTransfers to or from a locked account or an account that belongs to a locked customer are prohibited.
3010Customer daily external transfer request maximum has been reachedThe maximum number of daily external transfers defined in the Program configuration has been reached.
3011Customer daily external transfer amount has been reachedThis transfer request exceeds the customer's daily external transfer US dollar amount limit.
3012Transfer amount exceeds program maximumThis transfer exceeds the maximum dollar amount allowed in the Program configuration.
3013Transfer amount below program minimumThis transfer does not meet the minimum dollar amount required in the Program configuration.
3014Failed to retrieve transfersAn exception occurred while retrieving transfers.
3015Could not initiate transferAn exception occurred while creating the custodial transfer.
3016Source or Destination Account is inactiveTransfers to or from an account not in 'active' status are prohibited.
3017Transfer amount exceeds program limitTransfer amount exceeds program config limit for any transfer
3018Transfer amount would exceed the cumulative credit limitTransfer amount would exceed the cumulative credit amount limit.
3019Invalid usd_transfer_amount valueRequested transfer amount in US dollars cannot have more than 2 decimal places.
3020Transfers are not supported for secondary customersTransfers are only supported for primary (account-holding) customers.
3021Maximum customer balance has reachedThis Transfer request would result in the customer's total balance exceeding the configured maximum allowed balance
3031Invalid initiator_typeThe initiating user must be a customer for ACH Transfers
3032Transmitter information is requiredTransmitter information is required to complete this Transfer, and the fields were either null or invalid

Instant Payments Reject Codes and Descriptions

ERR050, ERR1501Receiving bank not available
ERR100-101Account number invalid or missing
ERR102Account number invalid or closed
ERR103, ERR200-201, ERR300, ERR306, ERR601-602, ERR800, ERR900, ERR1100, ERR1300, ERR1400, ERR1500, ERR1504-1506Payment not allowed
ERR104-105Account currency is invalid or missing
ERR106-107Account type missing or invalid
ERR203Counterparty participant signed off
ERR301Insufficient Funds
ERR302Payment not accepted
ERR303Currency is invalid or missing
ERR304Amount is invalid or missing
ERR305Amount exceeds network limit
ERR400 or EER402Missing required data
ERR401 or ERR1000Customer not found
ERR403-406Country code is missing or invalid
ERR407-408Data missing or invalid
ERR500Transaction timed out
ERR501Customer indicates creditor is unknown
ERR550, ERR555, ERR1200Request format error
ERR551, ERR700Payment is a duplicate of another payment.
ERR552, ERR554Invalid request body
ERR553, ERR901Invalid payment type information
ERR556-558, ERR999Error not found
ERR599Customer indicates payment will not be made
ERR600Future date not supported
ERR850RTP network is inactive
ERR900, or ERR1400Other unknown reason
ERR902Payment ID missing or invalid
ERR1200Format error. Contact bank support for detail (phone)
ERR1201-1203Bank missing or invalid
ERR1202Recipient connection is not available
ERR1503Sending bank not available

ACH Return Reason Codes

Codes for Received Returns

CodeDescriptionAdditional Information
R01Insufficient FundsAvailable balance not sufficient to cover amount of entry
R02Account ClosedPreviously active account is closed
R03No Account/Unable to Locate AccountAccount number does not match an open account
R04Invalid Account Number StructureAccount number structure is not valid
R05Unauthorized Debit to Consumer Acct Using Corporate CodeUnauthorized corporate entry transmitted to consumer account
R06Return requested by ODFI (Recall)ODFI requested that the RDFI return an entry
R07Authorization Revoked by CustomerConsumer claims authorization was already terminated
R08Payment StoppedReceiver requested the debit be stopped prior to the entry posting
R09Uncollected FundsUncollected item brings available balance below amount of entry
R10Customer Advises Originator is Not Known to Receiver and/or is Not Authorized by Receiver to Debit Receiver's AccountConsumer advises that there is no authorization for a payment
R11Customer Advises Entry Not in Accordance with the Terms of the AuthorizationConsumer advises that there is an error with a payment
R12Account/Branch sold to another financial institutionRDFI no longer maintains the account
R14Representative Payee Deceased or Unable to Continue in That CapacityRepresentative Payee of government payment deceased
R15Account Holder/Beneficiary DeceasedBeneficiary or account holder deceased
R16Account Frozen/Entry Returned Per OFAC InstructionFunds unavailable due to action by RDFI or other legal action
R17File record edit criteriaEntry cannot be processed by RDFI. Reason should be specified in addenda
R20Non-Transaction AccountPolicies or regulations restrict activity to account indicated
R21Invalid company identificationID in Company ID Field is not valid
R23Credit Entry Refused by ReceiverReceiver requests to return credit entry
R24Duplicate EntryCondition exists that the Receiver will not accept the payment
R29Corporate Customer Advises Not AuthorizedSpecific payment not authorized by Receiver (Company)
R31Permissible return entryODFI agrees to accept a return after the deadline
R33Return of XCK EntryRDFI, at its discretion, returns an XCK entry. XCK entries may be returned up to 60 days after settlement date
R37Source document presented for payment (adjustment entry)The source document to which an ARC, BOC, or POP entry was presented for payment
R38Stop Payment on source document (adjustment entry)A stop payment was placed on the source document to which the ARC or BOC entry relates
R39Improper source documentRDFI determined the source document used for the ARC, BOC, or POP entry to be improper
R50State Law Affecting RCK AcceptanceRDFI is located in a state that has not adopted revised article 4 of the UCC or the RDFI is located in a state that requires all cancelled checks to be returned within the periodic statement
R51Item related to RCK Entry is IneligibleThe item to which the RCK entry relates was not eligible, Originator did not provide notice of the RCK policy, signature on the item was not genuine
R52Stop Payment on Item (adjustment entry)A stop payment was placed on the item to which the RCK entry relates
R53Item and RCK Entry presented for payment (adjustment entry)Both the RCK entry and the check were presented for payment
R70Permissible return not acceptedODFI has not agreed to accept a permissible return

Codes for Originated Returns

CodeDescriptionAdditional InformationTimeframeSEC Code
R01Insufficient FundsAvailable balance not sufficient to cover amount of entry2 Banking DaysAll
R02Account ClosedPreviously active account is closed2 Banking DaysAll
R03No Account/Unable to Locate AccountAccount number does not match an open account2 Banking DaysAll except ARC, BOC, POP
R04Invalid Account Number StructureAccount number structure is not valid2 Banking DaysAll
R06Return requested by ODFI (Recall)ODFI requested that the RDFI return an entryUndefinedAll
R09Uncollected FundsUncollected item brings available balance below amount of entry2 Banking DaysAll
R10Customer Advises Originator is Not Known to Receiver and/or is Not Authorized by Receiver to Debit Receiver's AccountConsumer advises that there is no authorization for a payment60 Calendar DaysAll except CCD, CTX
R16Account FrozenFunds unavailable due to action by RDFI or other legal action2 Banking DaysAll
R17File record edit criteriaEntry cannot be processed by RDFI. Reason should be specified in addenda2 Banking DaysAll
R20Non-Transaction AccountPolicies or regulations restrict activity to account indicated2 Banking DaysAll
R23Credit Entry Refused by ReceiverReceiver requests to return credit entryRDFI must transmit Return upon receipt of RefusalAll
R29Corporate Customer Advises Not AuthorizedSpecific payment not authorized by Receiver (Company)2 Banking DaysAll except CIE, DNE, MTE, POS, PPD, RCK, SHR, TEL, WEB
R31Permissible return entryODFI agrees to accept a return after the deadlineUndefinedCCD, CTX only

ACH Notification of Change (NOC) Codes

NoteNOCs do not stop ACH entry processing in the event they are delivered; however, an originator must make the changes specified in an NOC within six banking days of receipt of NOC reporting or prior to initiating another entry to the receiver’s account, whichever is later, per the Nacha Rules.

CodeDescriptionCorrective Action
C01Incorrect Account NumberUpdate your records with the correct account number that appears in the Corrective Action Field.
C02Incorrect Transit Routing NumberUpdate your records with the correct routing number that appears in the Corrective Action Field.
C03Incorrect Transit Routing Number and Incorrect Account NumberUpdate your records with the correct routing number that appears in the Corrective Action Field.

Update your records with the correct DFI account number that appears in the Corrective Action Field.
C04Account Name ChangeUpdate your records with the correct name that is provided in the Corrective Action Field.
C05Incorrect Transaction CodeUpdate your records with the correct transaction code that appears in the Corrective Action Field.
C06Incorrect Account Number and Incorrect Transaction CodeUpdate your records with the correct account number and transaction code that appears in the Corrective Action Field.
C07Incorrect Transit Routing Number, Incorrect Account, and Incorrect Transaction CodeUpdate your records with the correct routing number that appears in the Corrective Action Field.

Update your records with the correct DFI account number that appears in the Corrective Action Field.

Update your records with the correct transaction code that appears in the Corrective Action Field.
C08Incorrect Foreign RDFIUpdate your records with the correct foreign receiving DFI identification that appears in the Corrective Action Field.
C09Incorrect Individual ID Number/Incorrect Receiver ID NumberUpdate your records with the correct individual information that appears in the Corrective Action Field.
C13Addenda Format ErrorInformation in the entry detail record was correct, and the entry was processed and posted by the RDFI. However, information found in the addenda record of the ACH transaction was unclear or was formatted incorrectly.
C14Incorrect SEC Code for Outbound International PaymentThe Gateway identified the entry as an outbound international payment and requests future entries be identified as IAT.

Customer-Related Errors

4000Could not create customerAn exception occurred while creating a customer.
4001Could not update customerAn exception occurred while updating the customer.
4002Unknown customerCould not find customer. Invalid customer uid.
4003Locked customerNo activities regarding this customer are allowed at this time.
4004Could not archive customerAn exception occurred while archiving the customer.
4005Could not archive customerA customer with a non-zero balance cannot be archived.
4006Could not archive customerA customer with a pending transfer cannot be archived.
4007Could not lock customerAn exception occurred while locking the customer.
4008Could not lock customerlock_reason must be provided in order to lock the customer.
4009Could not unlock customerAn exception occurred while unlocking the customer.
4010Could not lock customer properlyAn exception occurred while locking at least one custodial account that belongs to the customer. Some lock features are in place, such as rejecting ODFI transfer requests, but not all RDFI transfers or debit card transactions will be blocked.
4011Incomplete customer onboardingThe customer must complete the onboarding process or be enrolled in additional product(s) before proceeding.
4012Could not save customer detailsAn exception occurred when creating or updating customer details.
4013Could not initiate customer verificationAn exception occurred while initiating customer verification.
4014Could not initiate customer confirmationAn exception occurred while initiating customer confirmation.
4015Malformed update parameterOne or more parameters were not formatted correctly.
4016Customer already in useThe supplied Customer information is already associated with the Program.
4017Failed to retrieve customersAn exception occurred while retrieving customers.
4018PII FrozenCannot update PII once identity verification has begun.
4019PII MissingPII could not be obtained for the customer.
4020Service Offering Enrollment already existsService offering enrollments have already been created for this customer.
4021Identity Verification submittedThis customer has previously submitted identity verification.
4022Could not update customer profile responsesAn exception occurred while updating customer profile responses.
4023Unknown profile requirementCould not find profile requirement.
4024Profile Response formatted incorrectlyThere was an issue with the way the submitted response was formatted.
4025Customer has not been onboardedThe customer has not been onboarded and cannot have PII updated.
4026Details are lockedOne or more details provided cannot be updated once a customer is onboarded.
4027Customer InactivePII cannot be updated if customer is not in 'active' status.
4028Product Enrollment already existsAn enrollment has already been created for this customer and product.
4029PII Under ReviewPII under review; the customer status is under_review.
4030Cannot Create Secondary CustomerThe program is not fully configured to create secondary customers. Please contact support.
4031Secondary Customer Maximum ReachedThe primary customer has the maximum amount of secondary customers allowed.
4032Secondary Customer AgeThe secondary customer does not meet the age requirements for the program.
4033Cannot Create CustomerThe program config does not allow creating any customers with the provided customer type.
4034Could not archive customerA customer with one or more active secondary customers cannot be archived.
4035Cannot Create Secondary CustomerThe primary customer must be enrolled in a checking product.
4036Invalid Customer TypeThe provided customer_type value is invalid.
4037Unable to find Synthetic Accounts for customerCustomer Synthetic Account setup is incomplete.
4038Secondary Customer Program Maximum ReachedThe maximum amount of secondary customers for the program has been reached.
4039Cannot Unlock Secondary CustomerThe secondary customer cannot be unlocked because the primary customer is locked.
4040Archived or Unknown customerCould not find customer. Customer archived or invalid customer uid.
4041Transfer not allowedTransfers between customers are not allowed for this program.
4042Cannot unlock Debit CardThe debit card cannot be unlocked because the customer is under review or their primary customer is under review.
4045Client Verified DisallowedThe program configuration does not allow creating any customers as client-verified.

Transaction Errors

6000Unknown transactionCould not find transaction.
6001Unknown transaction eventCould not find transaction event.
6002Unknown synthetic line itemCould not find synthetic line item.
6003Unknown custodial line itemCould not find custodial line item.
6004Failed to retrieve custodial line itemsAn exception occurred while retrieving custodial line items.
6005Failed to retrieve synthetic line itemsAn exception occurred while retrieving synthetic line items.
6006Failed to retrieve transaction eventsAn exception occurred while retrieving transaction events.
6007Failed to retrieve transactionsAn exception occurred while retrieving transactions.

Sandbox Transactions

6100Failed to mock transactionAn exception occurred while creating a mocked transaction.
6101Invalid us_dollar_amountus_dollar_amount must be numeric and cannot be 0.
6102Invalid denial_reasondenial_reason must be inactive_card, insufficient_funds, insufficient_funds_gas, invalid_pin, network_unavailable or other

KYC Document Errors

7000Unknown evaluationCould not find evaluation.
7001Unknown KYC documentCould not find KYC document.
7002Failed to retrieve documentFailed to retrieve document
7003Failed to retrieve documentsFailed to retrieve documents
7004Failed to post documentFailed to post document
7005Failed to retrieve evaluationsAn exception occurred while retrieving evaluations.
7006Could not create kyc documentAn exception occurred while creating a kyc document.
7007Could not create kyc documentThe provided filename is unexpectedly formatted.

Custodial Account Errors

8000Unknown custodial accountCould not find custodial account.
8001Failed to retrieve custodial accountsAn exception occurred while retrieving custodial accounts.

Custodial Transaction Errors

8100Unknown custodial transactionCould not find custodial transaction.
8101Failed to retrieve custodial transactionsAn exception occurred while retrieving custodial transactions.

Pool Errors

10000Unknown poolCould not find pool.
10001Failed to retrieve poolsAn exception occurred while retrieving pools.

Synthetic Account Type Errors

11000Unknown synthetic account typeCould not find synthetic account type.
11001Failed to retrieve synthetic account typesAn exception occurred while retrieving synthetic account types.
11002Invalid routing or account number formatRouting and account numbers must be digits only.

Debit Card Errors

14000Unknown debit cardCould not find debit card.
14001Could not lock debit cardAn exception occurred while locking the debit card.
14002Could not lock debit cardlock_reason must be provided in order to lock the debit card.
14003Could not unlock debit cardAn exception occurred while unlocking the debit card.
14004Could not unlock debit cardThe debit card is locked because its customer is locked. The card cannot be unlocked on its own and will be unlocked when the customer is unlocked.
14005Could not create debit cardAn exception occurred while creating a debit card.
14006Could not create debit cardThe customer or the pool has reached the maximum number of active debit cards.
14007Could not reissue debit cardAn error occurred when trying to initiate debit card reissuance.
14008Invalid reissue reasonDebit card reissue reason must be lost, stolen, or damaged.
14009Card not lockableDebit card is not in a lockable status.
14010Failed to retrieve debit cardsAn exception occurred while retrieving debit cards.
14011Failed to activate debit cardAn error occurred when trying to activate a debit card.
14012Locked debit cardNo activities regarding this debit card or the owner customer are allowed at this time.
14013Failed to retrieve debit card PIN tokenAn exception occurred while retrieving debit card PIN token.
14014Failed to confirm debit card PIN setAn exception occurred while confirming debit card PIN set.
14015invalid debit card status for reissueDebit card status for reissue must be card_replacement_shipped, card_replacement_shipment_returned, damaged, issued, normal, shipment_returned, shipped, or usable_without_pin.
14016Failed to retrieve debit card access tokenAn exception occurred while retrieving debit card access token.
14017Program not configured for physical debit cardsA physical debit card cannot be issued for this program.
14018No virtual debit card foundCould not find a virtual debit card for migration.
14019Could not migrate debit cardAn exception occurred while migrating the debit card.
14020Could not migrate debit cardOnly virtual cards can be migrated.
14021Error retrieving virtual card imageAn error occurred when retrieving the virtual card image.
14022Debit card reissue forbiddenDebit card reissue forbidden per program config.
14023Invalid debit card planCannot proceed due to invalid debit card plan.

Client Errors

16000Unknown ClientCould not find Client.

Program Errors

18000Unknown ProgramCould not find Program.
18001Failed to retrieve programsAn exception occurred while retrieving programs.

Product Errors

22000Unknown ProductCould not find Product.
22001Failed to retrieve productsAn exception occurred while retrieving products.

Customer Product Errors

23000Unknown Customer ProductCould not find Customer Product.
23001Failed to retrieve customer productsAn exception occurred while retrieving customer products.
23002Could not create customer productAn exception occurred while creating a customer product.
23003PII ConfirmationPII must be confirmed before proceeding with customer product onboarding.
23004Customer InactiveCustomers not in active status cannot be onboarded into additional Products.
23005Compliance Workflow not BegunA Compliance Workflow for this Customer and Product has not been created.
23006Profile Response VerificationOne or more of the Customer's Profile Responses do not meet requirements for onboarding into this Product.
23007Profile Responses IncompleteOne or more Profile Requirements have not been given a Profile Response.
23008Product Prerequisite RequiredCustomer must be onboarded into one or more Products before this one.
23009Customer Already in ProductCustomer already belongs to this Product.
23010Invalid Customer Product for Customer TypeThe specified Customer cannot be onboarded to the selected Product.

Sandbox Onboarding Related Errors

25000Failed to onboard sandbox programAn exception occurred while onboarding program.
25001Invalid Cognito tokenThe token provided is either outdated or not parseable.

IP and Device Tracking Errors

27000Header missingThe header customer_initiated must be included
27001Headers missingThe headers reference_customer_uid, reference_customer_ip_address and reference_customer_device_id must be included when the request was initiated by a customer
27002Reference customer not foundThe customer referenced by the header reference_customer_uid does not exist

Virtual Reference Number (VRN) Errors

30000Unknown VRNCould not find Virtual Reference Number. Invalid VRN uid
30001Failed to create VRNAn exception occurred while creating the VRN
30002The Synthetic Account provided is ineligible for VRNsThe Synthetic Account must be an active, general account
30003Failed to retrieve VRNsAn exception occurred while retrieving VRNs
30004Failed to update VRNAn exception occurred while updating a VRN
30005Archived VRNVRN is archived
30006VRN not registered for the Instant Payment rail.VRN has not be successfully registered with Newline and Fifth Third for Instant Payment rail acceptance.
30007Failed to lock VRNAn exception occurred while locking a VRN
30008Failed to unlock VRNAn exception occurred while unlocking a VRN
30009Failed to archive VRNAn exception occurred while archiving a VRN
30010Locked VRNVRN is already locked
30011Archived VRNVRN is already archived
30012Lock reason is invalidLock reason must be customer_request or admin
30013Unlocked VRNVRN is already unlocked