Business Requirements
This guide provides detailed information about the fields required for business data in the Issuing BIN Sponsorship program. Each field is described with its requirements, character length, character type, and examples to ensure accurate and compliant data entry.
Business Fields
Field | Required | Description | Character Length | Example |
BUSINESS ID | Yes | Unique identifier for the business. | 35 | BUS123456 |
BUSINESS ACCOUNT NO | Yes | Business account number. | 35 | 123456789012 |
BUSINESS NAME | Yes | Full business name. | 50 | Acme Corporation |
DBA BUSINESS NAME | No | "Doing Business As" (DBA) name. | 255 | |
BUSINESS TAX ID | Yes | Tax ID associated with the business. | 15 | 98-7654321 |
BUSINESS TYPE | Yes | Business type (e.g., limited-partnership, trust, sole-proprietorship, corporation, LLC, etc.). | 50 | |
BUSINESS IDENTITY TYPE | Yes | The method by which the business was created (e.g., incorporation, partnership, etc.). | 100 | |
ADDRESS LINE 1 | Yes | The primary address of the business. | 100 | 456 Elm St |
ADDRESS LINE 2 | No | Additional address information. | 100 | Suite 300 |
CITY | Yes | The city where the business is located. | 50 | San Francisco |
STATE | Yes | State where the business is located. | 2 | CA |
ZIP CODE | Yes | ZIP code of the business. | 10 | 94107 |
COUNTRY | Yes | Country code using ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 standard. | 2 | US |
PRIMARY PHONE NUMBER | Yes | The primary phone number for the business. | 15 | 1-415-555-1234 |
EMAIL ADDRESS | No | Email address for the business contact. | 100 | |
BUSINESS ACCOUNT STATUS | Yes | Status of the business account (Open or Closed). | 10 | Open |
BUSINESS ACCOUNT CREATEDATE | Yes | Date when the business account was created (format: YYYYMMDD). | Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20200101 |
BUSINESS ACCOUNT CLOSUREDATE | No | Date when the business account was closed (format: YYYYMMDD). | Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20250101 |
BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP EXEMPTION | Yes | Indicates if the business is exempt from providing beneficial owner information. | 3 | Yes |
BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP EXEMPTION REASON | No | Reason for exemption from providing beneficial ownership information. | 100 | PUBLICLY_TRADED |
BENEFICIAL OWNERS EXISTS | Yes | Indicates whether the business has beneficial owners. | 3 | Yes |
NO 25 PERCENT OR MORE BENEFICIAL OWNERS EXIST | Yes | 'Yes' if no beneficial owners with 25% or more ownership exist. | 3 | Yes |
NAICS PRIMARY CODE | No | The primary NAICS code(s) for the business. Can accept multiple codes separated by commas. | 100 | 123456, 654321 |
Updated 4 months ago