Card Requirements

Card Information Guide


This guide provides detailed information about the fields required for card data in the Issuing BIN Sponsorship program. Each field is described with its requirements, character length, and examples to ensure accurate and compliant data entry.

Card Fields

FieldRequiredDescriptionCharacter LengthExample
CARD IDYesUnique ID of the card.40
CARDHOLDERIDYesUnique ID for the cardholder holding the card.35CUST123456
CARD NUMBERYesProvide full 16 digits.16
ISSUE NETWORKNoNetwork issuing the card (e.g., Visa, MasterCard).10VISA
ISSUE DATEYesDate when the card was issued.Date (YYYYMMDD)20230101
ACTIVATION DATENoDate when the card was activated.Date (YYYYMMDD)20230101
EXPIRATION DATENoDate when the card will expire.Date (YYYYMMDD) (Send blanks if empty)20260101
CARD STATUSYesAcceptable values are: Open, Active, Lost, Stolen, Closed25Active
CARD STATUS DATEYesDate when the card status was last updated.Date (YYYYMMDD)20230101
ACCOUNT BALANCEYesSettled balanceDecimal (10, 2)1500.75
CURRENT BALANCE SIGNYesIndicates whether the settled balance is a debit (-) or credit (+).1-

Field Descriptions

  • CARD ID: A unique identifier for each card issued. This ID must be 40 characters long.
  • CARDHOLDERID: The unique identifier for the cardholder. This ID must be 35 characters long and is essential for linking the card to the cardholder.
  • CARD NUMBER: The full 16-digit number of the card. This is a mandatory field.
  • ISSUE NETWORK: The network that issued the card, such as Visa or MasterCard. This field is optional and can be up to 10 characters long.
  • ISSUE DATE: The date when the card was issued, formatted as YYYYMMDD. This is a required field.
  • ACTIVATION DATE: The date when the card was activated, formatted as YYYYMMDD. This field is optional.
  • EXPIRATION DATE: The date when the card will expire, formatted as YYYYMMDD. If the expiration date is not available, this field can be left blank.
  • CARD STATUS: The current status of the card. Acceptable values include Open, Active, Lost, Stolen, and Closed. This field is required and can be up to 25 characters long.
  • CARD STATUS DATE: The date when the card status was last updated, formatted as YYYYMMDD. This is a required field.
  • ACCOUNT BALANCE: The settled balance on the card, represented as a decimal with up to 10 digits and 2 decimal places. This is a required field.
  • CURRENT BALANCE SIGN: Indicates whether the settled balance is a debit (-) or credit (+). This is a required field and must be 1 character long.


Here is an example of how the card data should be formatted:

FieldRequiredDescriptionCharacter LengthExample
CARD IDYesUnique ID of Card.40
CARDHOLDERIDYesUnique ID for the CARDHOLDER holding the card.35CUST123456
CARD NUMBERYesProvide full 16 digits.16
ISSUE NETWORKNoNetwork issuing the card (e.g., Visa, MasterCard).10VISA
ISSUE DATEYesDate when the card was issued.Date (YYYYMMDD)20230101
ACTIVATION DATENoDate when the card was activated.Date (YYYYMMDD)20230101
EXPIRATION DATENoDate when the card will expire.Date (YYYYMMDD) (Send blanks if empty)20260101
CARD STATUSYesAcceptable values are: Open, Active, Lost, Stolen, Closed25Active
CARD STATUS DATEYesDate when the card status was last updated.Date (YYYYMMDD)20230101
ACCOUNT BALANCEYesSettled balanceDecimal (10, 2)1500.75
CURRENT BALANCE SIGNYesIndicates whether the settled balance is a debit (-) or credit (+).1-

This guide ensures that all necessary fields are accurately filled out to maintain compliance and facilitate smooth transactions. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team.